20-21 Graduate Catalog

About Thomas Edison State University

Summary information about the University.

Our History

Thomas Edison State University was founded in 1972 by the New Jersey State Board of Higher Education for the purpose of providing diverse and alternative methods of achieving a collegiate education of the highest quality for adult learners. Identified by Forbes magazine as one of the top 20 colleges and universities in the nation in the use of technology to create learning opportunities for adults, Thomas Edison State University is a national leader in the assessment of adult learning and a pioneer in the use of educational technologies. The New York Times has stated that Thomas Edison State University is “the college that paved the way for flexibility.”

Our Students

Thomas Edison State University is composed of a worldwide community of learners. The University’s student body represents every state in the U.S. and approximately 61 countries throughout the world. Unlike “traditional” colleges and universities, which are designed to meet the needs of college students who are between 18 and 21 years old, Thomas Edison State University is designed exclusively to serve the needs of adults. The University’s academic programs enable students to plan degree paths and to select learning options that best meet their needs. Course scheduling at Thomas Edison State University enables students to take courses at times convenient to them.

Current Students

  • Current Total Enrollment: approximately 14,345
  • Average student age: 35
  • 38 percent of students are New Jersey residents
  • 60 percent of students are out-of-state residents (including all 50 states and students from or studying in approximately 67 countries)
  • 1 percent of students are international
  • 1 percent of students are unknown
  • 58 percent of students are male
  • 42 percent of students are female