21-22 Graduate Catalog

MS in Clinical Trials Management

Area of Study Overview

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The Master of Science (MS) degree program with an area of study in Clinical Trials Management prepares students for advancement in clinical research and those preparing for transition into the field. The 36-credit program is offered completely online and was designed for working professionals by pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and contract research organization experts who work in the clinical research field.

The program can be completed in less than two years on a part-time basis and without the need for students to sacrifice their professional and personal responsibilities. Online courses are delivered asynchronously, so students can access and complete their assignments on their own schedule and set their own pace.

Graduates learn the fundamentals of the clinical trials environment, study design and management, and develop expertise in the day-to-day decision making required in the clinical research work environment. Each course includes exercises designed to further enhance drug development knowledge through reading, interactive discussions between students and mentors, and assignments that mirror workplace requirements.

Credit Distribution

I. Core (18 Credits)

APS-600Enhancing Performance in Technology Organizations


APS-601Technology Innovation and Commercialization


APS-602Managing People in Technology-Based Organizations


APS-510Project Management for Technology


APS-610Cost Estimation and Financial Management for Engineers and Technologists


THC-625Technology and the Human Community: Challenges and Responses


II. Area of Study (12 Credits)

CTM-510Introduction to Clinical Trials Research and Drug Development


CTM-520Clinical Trials Research: Practice to Policy


CTM-530Introduction to Clinical Trials Data Management


CTM-540Ethical Issues and Regulatory Principles in Clinical Trials


III. Capstone (6 Credits)

APS-700Master Project in Applied Science and Technology


Total Credit Hours: 36

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the area of study, students will be able to:

  • initiate, design, and conduct research compliant with all rules and regulations including those regarding safety and company or hospital ethics;
  • integrate theoretical concepts and research findings into product and/or process innovation;
  • incorporate productivity measurement and project planning tools to plan, manage, and evaluate projects that support organizational goals; and
  • demonstrate leadership in the workplace through the use of advanced technological and management tools and techniques.