LIBCE-495 Liberal Arts Capstone: Community Engagement

This community engagement course provides students with the opportunity to summarize, synthesize, and build upon course work in their undergraduate major area, resulting in a substantial academic project that serves the needs of a community-based organization. Students in this Capstone course will demonstrate their achievement of program learning outcomes of the Bachelor of Arts degree.

Note: If you enroll in the Online course, you will not be required to purchase any course materials. All learning materials are included in the course at no cost. 




Students should have completed or be near to completing all of their degree requirements before enrolling in this course. This course is the second course in a two-course sequence and should be taken by any students who have already completed SOS-204: Academic Community Impact - Theory, Methods, and Practice. For more information regarding the Academic Community Impact Program, please visit

Delivery Methods


Example Syllabus Link

Preview the Online Syllabus

Semester Offered

Terms Offered