Area of Study Overview
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The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) degree in Accounting is designed for adult learners interested in becoming accountants and auditors. Students interested in becoming certified public accountants can seamlessly integrate the BSBA in Accounting program into the CPA and Master’s Track, which is aligned to the Master of Science in Accounting (MSA) and the Master of Science in Management (MSM) degree with a specialization in accounting.
Graduates of the BSBA degree in accounting can also consider the Master of Business Administration MBA degree with a specialization in accounting.
What Students Will Learn in the BSBA Degree in Accounting
The BSBA program ensures college-level competence of the principles of finance, business, and the arts and sciences. Some of the topics covered include:
- Financial accounting
- Managerial accounting
- Cost accounting
- Auditing
- Analyzing earnings performance
- Students should contact their state board of accountancy for specific details concerning CPA examination requirements.
- Courses that are devoid of a course code can be accepted in transfer if completed at colleges and universities accredited by the six institutional accrediting agencies recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.
Area of Study Requirements
How Students Earn Credit in the Area of Study: Courses in this area of study may be completed with Thomas Edison State University courses and/or courses from other institutionally accredited colleges. Prior learning assessment PLA and/or examinations may also be used.
In addition, the University offers a host of ways to earn credit for knowledge obtained in non-collegiate settings. Examples include:
- Courses and examinations approved through National College Credit Recommendation Service National CCRS and the American Council on Education ACE College Credit Recommendation Service.
- Military Service
- License and certifications
- Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)
School of Business and Management Upper Level Degree Policy
Require that baccalaureate students complete a minimum of 18 credits at the upper level (300 level or higher). Twelve upper-level credits in the area of study and six upper-level credits in the Business Core which includes the Capstone course.
- Other subjects may also be considered appropriate for this major area of study. For TESU course options, please contact an Advisor
- Students considering preparation for CPA should contact their specific state Board of Accountancy for specific details concerning the requirements to sit for the exam and other requirements related to the exam.
- Thomas Edison State University course refers to the University’s own course offering of Guided Study, online, prior learning assessment (PLA) courses or exam.
- Other subjects listed can either be courses transferred from other colleges/universities or credits earned through prior learning assessment (PLA) see Catalog for more information on PLA.
It is strongly recommended that all BSBA students, regardless of area of study, include a business ethics subject as part of the general education or electives component of their degree.
Credit Distribution
I. General Education Featured Courses (45 Credits)
A. Intellectual and Practical Skills (15 Credits)
B. Civic and Global Leadership (9 Credits)
SOC-101 | Our Changing World An Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
ETH-230 | Ethics in the Digital Age | 3 |
POS-110 | American Government | 3 |
C. Knowledge of Human Cultures (15 Credits)
Select two featured courses from the list below:
SOC-291 | Criminology | 3 |
HIS-114 | American History II | 3 |
HIS-121 | Introduction to World History I | 3 |
HUM-103 | Introduction to the Humanities III: Music | 3 |
PHI-130 | Introduction to Critical Reasoning | 3 |
D. Scientific Knowledge (6 Credits)
For additional TESU course options that will satisfy this area of the degree, go to
Scientific Knowledge.
II. Professional Business Requirements (42 Credits)
III. Area of Study (18 Credits)
A. Required Courses (6 Credits)
B. Additional Courses 12 Credits Select four courses
IV. Electives (15 Credits)
For TESU course options, go to Elective Courses.
TESU accepts credits in transfer from accredited institutions as well as non-collegiate providers. View information and resources on where you may find additional learning experiences. |
Total Credit Hours: 120