21-22 Undergraduate Catalog

Policy on Grading

Policy on Grade Point Average

Term and cumulative grade point averages (GPA) are included on Thomas Edison State University transcripts, which are based on graded credits attempted through Thomas Edison State University course work. Only grades that reflect attempted graded credits (A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D, F, IF, and ZF) are used to calculate the official Thomas Edison State University GPA and are recorded on the transcript. The only F and IF grades that are printed on the transcript and included in the GPA calculation are those awarded for Thomas Edison State University courses that started on or after the July 2011 term. Thomas Edison State University courses with grades of W are recorded on the transcript but will not be calculated into the GPA.

Thomas Edison State University courses with a grade of NC are not recorded on the transcript and are not calculated into the GPA. Thomas Edison State University credit earning options in which students receive grades of CR, such as TECEP®, prior learning assessment (PLA), and Practicum and e-Pack® courses, will not be calculated into the GPA, but will appear on the transcript.

Thomas Edison State University restarts the GPA calculation based on academic level only and does not restart the calculation at graduation. As such, there is no direct correlation between the GPA and graduation, except that in order to graduate, all students must meet the GPA standards set by the University as well as any individual standards set by the academic School that offers the degree the graduate earns.

Policy on D Grades

Students may transfer in or apply Thomas Edison State University course grades of D to their non-area of study requirements as long as their overall grade point average is at least a 2.0 or higher as determined by the School in which they are enrolled, with the following exceptions:

  • All area of study courses must be graded C or better in order to apply to area of study requirements
  • All required composition courses must be graded C or better
  • No course in which a student earned a D- grade will be accepted in transfer

Grade Rounding Policy

Grades on course assignments and examinations that are determined by percentages involving decimals should be rounded up to the next whole number when equal to .5 or greater. When the decimal is less than .5 the grade is to be rounded down. This policy also applies to final course grades where the final course grade is determined using percentages with decimals.

Minimum Grade Point Average for Graduation

All undergraduate students at Thomas Edison State University are required to maintain an overall minimum average of C in their Thomas Edison State University courses in order to graduate. All area of study courses must be graded C or better in order to apply to area of study requirements for undergraduate students at Thomas Edison State University.

All undergraduate students at Thomas Edison State University are required to maintain a minimum average of C in all the credits applied to their degree (Thomas Edison State University and transfer credits) in order to graduate. All undergraduate students at Thomas Edison State University can only utilize a grade of C or better in the area of English composition in order to graduate.

Students must also meet any minimum required GPA standards established by their School to graduate from Thomas Edison State University.