Graduate Catalog

Policy and Procedures for Responding to Allegations of Research Misconduct

Thomas Edison State University is committed to ethical research practices free from research misconduct. The University subscribes to the best practices of the Department of Health & Human Services, Office of Research Integrity relative to the conduct of ethical research.

The University has established procedures for conducting investigations into allegations of research misconduct.

Any individual who believes that research misconduct may have occurred may submit, in writing, an allegation of research misconduct to the University’s appointed Research Integrity Officer (RIO).  The RIO is tasked with carrying out an investigation of alleged research misconduct and charged with providing the results of said investigation to the University’s deciding official for a final decision.

The Institutional Review Board Chair shall be the assigned RIO, primary point of contact and appointed University Official assigned to conduct investigations into allegations of research misconduct.

The Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs will serve as the deciding official.