Graduate Catalog

Late Submission of Course Work Policy

All course work (including, but not limited to: assignments, labs, quizzes, exams, and final projects) must be submitted no later than the due date unless prior arrangements are made with the mentor and a new due date is established1. If a student submits an assignment after the due date without having made arrangements with the mentor, a minimum of 5 points, (based on an assignment grading scale of 100 points), will be deducted for each week, or part thereof, that the assignment is late.

Students with documented evidence of an emergency which prevented prior communication with the mentor may present documentation to the mentor for consideration.

In order to receive credit for the discussion forum assignments, the student must actively participate during the assigned discussion period1.

Course work will not be accepted after the last day of the term unless arranged as part of a Course Extension.

This policy applies to undergraduate and graduate students.

1 Students with approved accessibility accommodation may be exempted from point deductions.