BA in Biology

Area of Study Overview

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The Bachelor of Arts BA degree program in Biology prepares adults for career change, advancement or graduate education, while providing personal enrichment. The program enables students to develop an understanding of biological principles which underlie all living things, and instills a sense of inquiry and sharpens analytical thinking skills. Students develop a broad general knowledge of the traditional liberal arts disciplines while developing a greater depth of knowledge in biology.

Degree Requirements:

  • A minimum of 18 credits must be upper level 300 level or above within the area of study.


Calculus is recommended, but not required.

Courses that are devoid of a course code can be accepted in transfer if completed at colleges and universities accredited by the six regional accrediting agencies recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

In addition, the University offers a host of ways to earn credit for knowledge obtained in non-collegiate settings. Examples include:

  • Courses and examinations approved through National College Credit Recommendation Service National CCRS and the American Council on Education ACE College Credit Recommendation Service.
  • Military Service
  • License and certifications
  • Prior Learning Assessment

Credit Distribution

Courses in the Area of Study are listed as a guide. Other courses may satisfy the areas. For TESU course options, please contact an Advisor.

I. General Education Requirements (60 Credits)

Il. Area of Study (60 Credits)

A. Required Courses (44 Credits)

BIO-251Introduction to Microbiology with Lab




CHE-121General Chemistry I with Lab


CHE-122General Chemistry II with Lab


PHY-115Physics I with Lab


PHY-116Physics II with Lab


-TRSFR REQ.General Biology I with Lab


-TRSFR REQ.General Biology II with Lab


-TRSFR REQ.Cell Biology


-TRSFR REQ.Genetics


-TRSFR REQ.Organic Chemistry I with Lab


-TRSFR REQ.Organic Chemistry II with Lab


B. Biology Electives (13 Credits)

BIO-211Anatomy and Physiology I with Lab


BIO-212Anatomy and Physiology II with Lab


BIO-310Man's Best Friend: The Biology and Behavior of Dogs


RPT-271Radiation Biology


GER-312Biological Aspects of Aging


C. Capstone

LIB-495Liberal Arts Capstone


Total Credit Hours: 120

*TRSFR REQ - These courses are not offered by TESU. Please click here for information and resources on where you may find additional learning experiences. 

Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the Biology program will be able to:

  • demonstrate knowledge of the scientific method, including the formation of hypotheses and the design and implementation of laboratory experiments;
  • demonstrate the ability to read, understand, and critically review scientific papers;
  • recognize the relationship between structure and function at the molecular, cellular, and organism levels;
  • explain the principles of evolutionary biology and identify the taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships of the major groups of organisms;
  • define the historical development of theories and laws, the nature of science, and the relationship between science, technology, and society;
  • recognize the ecological relationships between organisms and their environment; and
  • demonstrate a working knowledge of equipment, technology, and materials appropriate for research in the biological sciences.