BA in Foreign Language

Area of Study Overview

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The Bachelor of Arts BA degree program in Foreign Language prepares adults for career change, advancement or graduate education, while providing personal enrichment. The program focuses on linguistic skills, literary appreciation, and understanding people and their culture. Students are required to select a specific language such as French, German, Spanish, Italian, etc. And develop a broad general knowledge of the traditional liberal arts disciplines while developing a greater depth of knowledge in the language they select.

Degree Requirements

  • A minimum of 18 credits must be upper level 300 level or above within the area of study.

Note 1: Other foreign language areas of study may be modeled after the above. The area of study must be planned with a BA degree program advisor.

Note 2: All courses applied toward the foreign language area of study are REQUIRED to be taught in that specific foreign language, not in English translation.

Credit Distribution

Courses in the Area of Study are listed as a guide. Other courses may satisfy the areas. For TESU course options, please contact an Advisor.

I. General Education Requirements (60 Credits)

II. Area of Study (33 Credits)

A. Required Courses (21 Credits)

-TRSFR REQ.Intermediate Language I and II


-TRSFR REQ.Advanced Language I and II


-TRSFR REQ.History of Civilization


-TRSFR REQ.Major Writers/Masterpieces of Literature


B. Foreign Language Electives (9 Credits)





C. Capstone

LIB-495Liberal Arts Capstone


III. Electives (27 Credits)

For TESU course options, go to Elective Courses.

Total Credit Hours: 120

*TRSFR REQ - These courses are not offered by TESU. Please click here for information and resources on where you may find additional learning experiences. 

Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the Foreign Language program will be able to:

  • present information, concepts, and ideas in a foreign language to an audience of listeners or readers;
  • translate and interpret a foreign language;
  • engage in conversations or correspondence in a foreign language; and
  • demonstrate proficiency in the cultural and sociolinguistic aspects of a language.