BS in Electronics Systems Engineering Technology

Area of Study Overview

Advisory:  It is strongly recommended that students do not take any of the nuclear engineering or electronics systems engineering area of study courses unless their math skills (calculus 1 or higher) are reasonably current.

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The Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Electronics Systems Engineering Technology is accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET.


111 Market Pl., Suite 1050

Baltimore, MD 21202

(410) 347-7700

The Bachelor of Science (BS) degree with an area of study in Electronics Systems Engineering Technology is designed for technologists employed in various phases of the electronics industry, including computer hardware, avionics, instrumentation and control, and communications. A total of 18 area of study credits must be from 300/400-level courses. The BS degree with an area of study in Electronic Systems Engineering Technology is a 120-credit program.

The Electronics Systems Engineering Technology program’s goal is to educate engineering technology practitioners who are immediately relevant to or practicing in industry by frequently evaluating and improving our educational programs, engaging in scholarly and industrially based activities, and working within the broader community to be relevant to the professional and global community.

The School's vision and mission statements are reviewed and updated periodically, most recently in 2018. These reviews are performed by the mentors as well as the Industrial Advisory Council IAC. Details are published in the School and IAC meeting minutes. The current vision and mission statements are published on Thomas Edison State University’s website.

Degree Requirements

Computer Programming or Programmable Logic Controllers

CIS-107 or above








  • How Students Earn Credit in the Area of Study: All of the courses in this area of study can be completed through Thomas Edison State University ways to earn credit.
  • A total of 18 area of study credits must be from course at the 300 level or above.


It is strongly recommended that students do not take any of the nuclear engineering or electronics systems engineering area of study courses unless their math skills (calculus 1 or higher) are reasonably current.

Electronic Systems Engineering Technology Program (ESET)

Year Enrollments  Graduates
2013 - 2014 17 3
2014 - 2015 60 1
2015 - 2016 117 1
2016 - 2017
2017 - 2018 355 18
2018 - 2019 443 43

Credit Distribution

I. General Education Featured Courses (46 Credits)

TESU Featured Courses are listed as a guide. Other courses may satisfy the areas and can be viewed on our website under General Education Courses.  For more information see About Our General Education Program.  To plan your program please contact an Advisor.

A. Intellectual and Practical Skills (15 Credits)

ENC-101English Composition I


ENC-102English Composition II


COM-209Public Speaking


STA-201Principles of Statistics


SOS-110Critical Information Literacy


For all TESU course options that will satisfy this area of the degree, go to Intellectual and Practical Skills.

B. Civic and Global Leadership (9 Credits)

SOC-101Our Changing World An Introduction to Sociology


ETH-230Ethics in the Digital Age


POS-110American Government


For additional TESU course options that will satisfy this area of the degree, go to Civic and Global Leadership.

C. Knowledge of Human Cultures (15 Credits)

AOJ-280Forensic Science


HIS-113American History I


FIL-110American Cinema


Select two featured courses from the list below


HIS-114American History II


HUM-103Introduction to the Humanities III: Music


For additional TESU course options that will satisfy this area of the degree, go to Knowledge of Human Cultures.

D. Scientific Knowledge (7 Credits)

COS-111Introduction to Programming


CHE-121General Chemistry I with Lab


II. Electronics Systems Engineering Technology (65 Credits)

MAT-231Calculus I


MAT-232Calculus II


PHY-115Physics I with Lab


PHY-116Physics II with Lab


ELE-211DC Circuits


ELE-212AC Circuits


ELT-306Solid State Devices and Circuits


ELT-307Linear and Integrated Circuits


ELD-302Digital Electronics




ELC-201Electronic Communication Systems


CTR-211Electronic Instrumentation and Control


Electronic Engineering Technology Electives (9 Credits)

-Military/INPO Discipline Specific Training including Laboratory/Practicum



ELT-308Industrial Electronics


CTR-212Programmable Logic Controllers


CMP-354Network Technology


Complete the following

APS-400Occupational Safety and Health


APS-402Applied Quality Management


MAN-435Project Management


APS-490Engineering Technology Assessment/Career Planning


ELT-495Electronics Engineering Technology Capstone


III. Electives (9 Credits)

For TESU course options, go to Elective Courses.

TESU accepts credits in transfer from accredited institutions as well as non-collegiate providers. View information and resources on where you may find additional learning experiences.

Total Credit Hours: 120

Required Advisement

Policy for Required Advisement for BS degree in Electronics Systems Engineering Technology

BS degree in Electronic Systems Engineering Technology program learners are required to schedule and complete a minimum of two program planning sessions with a School of Applied Science and Technology advisor. The first scheduled program planning sessions should be after the learner receives formal evaluation of transferred credits and prior to starting courses. A second scheduled program planning sessions should be prior to registration for Electronics Assessment/Career Planning (APS-490).

The session shall encompass the following:

Each BS degree in Electronics Systems Engineering Technology learner is required to meet with a technology advisor:

  • After receiving evaluation of transferred credits and prior to starting courses to ensure course sequencing as indicated below
  • To verify completion of prerequisite courses prior to enrollment in Engineering Technology Assessment/Career Planning APS-490 and Electronics Engineering Technology Capstone ELT-495
  • To verify completion of all courses before graduation

Required Sequence of courses for the BS degree in Electronics Systems Engineering Technology is the following:

General education courses or equivalent transfer courses prerequisites:

NOTE: Other general education, electives and electronics elective courses can be taken as determined by the learner and approved by advisement.

Required the BS degree in Electronics Systems Engineering Technology area of study courses or equivalent transfer courses prerequisites:

  • DC Circuits with Lab ELE-211, AC Circuits with Lab ELE-212 prior to Electronics Devices courses of Solid State Devices and Circuits ELT-30 and Linear Integrated Circuits ELT-307
  • Solid State Devices and Circuits with Lab ELT-306 and Linear Integrated Circuits with Lab ELT-307 prior to Digital Electronics ELD-302; Microprocessor ELD-302; Electronic Communications Systems ELC-201; and Electronic Instrumentation and Control CTR-211 courses
  • Occupational Health and Safety APS-400, Applied Quality Management APS-402, Project Management MAN-435 and elective courses can be taken at any time
  • Required completion of general educations courses: English Composition I ENC-101, English Composition II ENC-102, Technical Report Writing ENG-20, Calculus I MAT-231, Calculus II MAT-232,
  • Physics I PHY-111 with Lab, PHY-128, Physics II PHY-112 with Lab PHY-129, General Chemistry CHE-111 with Lab CHE-128 prior to Engineering Technology Assessment/Career Planning APS-490
  • Required completion of BS degree in Electronics Systems Engineering Technology area of study courses or equivalent transfers prior to Electronics Assessment/Career Planning ELT-490
  • Require completion of Engineering Technology Assessment/Career Planning APS-490 prior to Electronics Engineering Technology Capstone ELT-495
  • Prior learning assessment (PLA) options will not be available for Engineering Technology Assessment/Career Planning APS-490 OR Electronics Engineering Technology Capstone ELT-495
  • The School of Applied Science and Technology advisors shall record the program planning session results in the learners’ student remarks file of Colleague.

Program Educational Objectives

The program educational objectives (PEOS) are broad statements describing the career and professional accomplishments that the Electronics Systems Engineering Technology program is preparing graduates to achieve in 3-5 years after graduation. The BS degree in Electronics Systems Engineering Technology (ESET) strives to produce qualified and competent applied technology engineering professionals who can immediately make substantial contributions to their employers.

The PEOS are to:

  1. demonstrate a desire and commitment to remain technically current through formal training, self-improvement, and continuing education, while applying skills that involve both practical and acquired knowledge;
  2. demonstrate a commitment to increased levels of leadership and responsibilities in the electronics field;
  3. function effectively in a professional/industrial environment while maintaining independent thought, a focus on safety and efficiency, and adherence to ethical standards;
  4. demonstrate ongoing commitment to professionalism through teamwork as a leader or influential team member in the solution of technical challenges/issues; and
  5. advocate for the industry through membership/involvement with professional/communal/educational societal, committees, and panels.

Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the Electronics Systems Engineering Technology program will be able to:

  • demonstrate a fundamental mastery of the knowledge, techniques, skills, and modern tools required for the electronics and/or related fields;
  • demonstrate an ability to understand and apply current concepts in the areas of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology to problems/issues encountered, using proper application of principles and applied procedures or methodologies;
  • demonstrate the ability to conduct standard tests and measurements in the lab or in the field; similarly, to conduct, analyze and interpret experiments, and apply results to resolve technical challenges and/or improve processes;
  • demonstrate an ability to design or redesign systems, components, or processes appropriate to the challenges encountered;
  • demonstrate effective leadership, and participation as a member of a technical team;
  • demonstrate a capability to solve technical problems through proper identification, research, and systematic analysis of the issue;
  • demonstrate proficiency in oral, written, and graphical communications in a technical and nontechnical setting utilizing standard English;
  • demonstrate an ability to identify and use appropriate technical literature, documents, and procedures;
  • demonstrate the need for and commitment to engage in self-directed continuing professional development and lifelong learning in one’s discipline;
  • demonstrate professional, ethical, and social responsibilities within the electronics field, while recognizing differences due to culture and diversity;
  • demonstrate recognition of the impacts of electronics technology solutions in an expanding societal and global context; and
  • demonstrate a commitment to quality, timeliness, and continuous improvement in professional activities.