Graduate Catalog

Submission of Fraudulent Documents Policy

The submission of documents such as transcripts, diplomas, test scores, references, or applications, that are forged, fraudulent, altered from the original, materially incomplete, obtained under false pretenses, or otherwise deceptive (collectively referred to as fraudulent documents) is prohibited by Thomas Edison State University.

All documents submitted to the University, in support of applications for admission, academic evaluations, or required administrative processing must be true, accurate, and complete. Supporting documents must not make misrepresentations, omit relevant information, or be altered from the original.

Any documents submitted under false pretenses, forged, or misrepresented (in whole or part) shall subject the individuals involved to sanctions by the University. Specifically, Thomas Edison State University reserves the right to withdraw offers of admission, place a temporary or permanent ban on applying for future admission, prohibit registration, rescind degrees, and suspend or expel students who present fraudulent documents. Such actions may also result in a forfeiture of academic credit earned while enrolled under false pretenses. Dismissal for misconduct does not abrogate a student’s financial responsibility to the University, the federal government, or private loan providers. Students remain liable for all relevant tuition and fees and the payment of their debts.

It is illegal for any person to falsely represent themselves as having received a degree (N.J.S.A. 18A:3-15.2). Such a violation is punishable by a monetary penalty per offense. Moreover, forgery of a document is a criminal offense that can be prosecuted under criminal law (N.J.S.A. 2C:21-1). The University reserves the right to file criminal charges against any individual who submits fraudulent documents in accordance with the laws of the state of New Jersey and/or appropriate U. S. federal statute.