Graduate Catalog

IAS-5530 Countermeasures Design and Implementation

A countermeasure in computer security is any action, device, procedure, or method that can be used to mitigate a threat, vulnerability, or attack by either eliminating it, preventing it, minimizing its effect, or by discovering and reporting it so that corrective action can be taken in the future. In this course students will learn the principles of active defense. They will develop the skills and knowledge needed to design and implement multilayered (defense in depth) security strategies as well as expertise in using tools to harden and secure networks and organizational assets. Course topics include: threat vectors; data encapsulation at Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) layers 2, 3, 4, and 5; packet decoding; network firewalls; intrusion prevention; network address translation (NAT); access control lists (ACLs); virtual private networks (VPNs); virtual local area networks (VLANs); proxies; border routers; web application, and database security; securing the operating system (OS) and services; vulnerability assessment; baseline audits; forensics; logging; encryption; authentication; wireless security; and network access control and security tools.



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