Graduate Catalog

IAS-5550 Computer Forensics and Information Systems Auditing

Computers are increasingly used to commit crimes and evidence of these crimes is often recorded on those computers. Computer forensics is the application of computer investigation and analysis techniques to the process of discovering and preserving potential legal evidence. Systems auditing is concerned with ensuring that adequate security controls are in place to prevent or at least discover fraud or other misuse of information technology (IT) resources. Legal evidence might be sought in a wide range of computer crimes or misuse. and students in this course will develop an understanding of forensic and auditing and will develop the skills needed for discovering and preventing theft of trade secrets, theft of or destruction of intellectual property. and fraud. They will learn how to recover deleted, encrypted, or damaged file information and to plan and execute audits of security and other related IT procedures. This course is intended to provide a foundation in computer forensics and auditing, and provide hands-on practice in applying forensic and auditing techniques.



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